Saturday, September 20, 2008

Panel Takes the Stage

Adam Smith, Public Campaign:
Public funding is important, but it won't solve all of our problems. It is a larger democracy movement to lower barriers and increase participation. (Democracy 2.0!) 
Matt Stempack, Americans for Campaign Reform:
Urges the adoption of the Fair Elections Now Act. The challenge and need have never been greater, but the opportunity has also never been greater. Either way the 2008 election goes, we'd have an ally in the White House. It is sponsored by a bipartisan team in the Senate.
Josh Zaharoff, Common Cause
Voters first pledge is important in getting support. Seven states have some part of their elections publicly financed, three in full. It started in Maine and Arizona in the mid-90's. In Maine, 33% used it during its first year. Most recently, 81% of house and senate candidates used public funds. Some 98% of Maine candidates very or reasonably satisfied with the system. Over 80% said it was important to their decision to run. A perfect example is the video posted below.

Moderated by Nancy Watzman. 

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